The Chairman of the Council of Bureau of the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme, Mr. DAWDA SARGE made a courtesy visit to the Chairman of Togo National Bureau, Mr. GBIKPI Date Claude on the sidelines of the first Executive Committee meeting for the year 2019 held in Lome, Togo.
Le Président du Conseil des Bureaux du Système d’Assurance Carte Brune CEDEAO, M. DAWDA SARGE a effectué une visite de courtoisie au Président du Bureau National Togolais, M. GBIKPI Daté Claude en marge de la première Réunion du Comité Exécutif de l’année 2019 tenue à Lomé, Togo.
The Chairman of the Council of Bureaux thanked his host for his availability. He then asked for his support for the success of his mandate.
He has once again presented his best wishes of the New Year, and recall the good memories of our dear late Claude BAKOYIMA, ex Coordinator of the Togolese National Office who died last October. May he rest in peace.
Mr. Gbikpi Date Chairman of TOGO National Bureau, congratulated the Chairman on his election as head of the System and assured him of his support and prayers.
He has reminded that the primary purpose of the Brown Card, is the prompt and equitable settlement of claims.
According to him, the Brown Card is a project that is important to him, especially since he is one of the pioneers of this system.
Finally, Mr. Gbikpi offered him a symbolic gift. The Chairman of the Council of Bureaux expressed his gratitude for this particular attention..